Lee History Walk

Lee Green crossroads London, United Kingdom

A gentle reminder about a Lee Manor Society event coming up this Sunday. Are you interested in the history of Lee? If so, join a walk on June 9th with a very knowledgeable guide, David Plumer, who is an expert on the area. Meet at 3 pm on June 9th at the history panel on

Lee Manor Society Monthly Meeting

Community Centre, Leegate Community Centre, 3 Leegate, London, United Kingdom

The next meeting of the Lee Manor Society will be held in the Community Centre, Leegate at 7.30pm on Wednesday June 12. Agenda: 1. Minutes of the last meeting.(see attached) 2. Review of the Plant Mart. 3. The street tree planting programme. 4. Plans for our 2024 annual general meeting. 5. The Manor House Gardens Festival

Quiz Night at The Church of the Good Shepherd

Church of the Good Shepherd, Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Handen Road, Lee, London

In aid of Christian Aid. Donations welcome. Bring your own food/drink.

Lee Manor Society Monthly Meeting

Community Centre, Leegate Community Centre, 3 Leegate, London, United Kingdom

The next meeting of the Lee Manor Society will be held at the Leegat Community Centre on Wednesday July 17th at 1930.  Everyone is welcome. Below is the draft agenda: Tree planting scheme - proposal to match fund money raised by residents. Mary's Garden - proposal to move its location. Review of Manor House Gardens Festival