(Note – Applications shown in red were previously reported in the last Summary but remain ‘Undecided’ and on-going).
Application Reference: DC/24/136993
Application Address: 105 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LT
Application Proposal: Installation of replacement ventilation and extraction system and all associated works at the rear. STATUS: Application has been withdrawn by the Applicant.
Application Reference: DC/24/137106
Application Address: Land On Southbrook Road To The Rear Of, 114 & 116 Burnt Ash Road, Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Details submitted pursuant to Conditions 3, 5-11 and 13 of planning permission DC/23/131428 dated 18th October 2023.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have APPROVED the submission of details related to a number of ‘Conditions’ emanating out of the approval of the earlier Planning Application noted above. LMS raised a number of concerns in relation to 5 of the submissions related to Conditions 3, 5 6, 11 and 13 concerning noise mitigation measures, architectural details, material quality, soft landscaping and obscure glazing. LMS have not yet determined whether our concerns have had any material impact – this will be reviewed and reported on in the next Monthly Summary.
Application Reference: DC/24/137311 Application Address: 23 Effingham Road, London, SE12 8NZ Application Proposal: FRONT: ONE small Bay tree (T1)( ht 3m.) FELL TO GROUND. REASON: The tree was planted about 15 years ago. It is now too large. It is crowding and overshadowing adjacent Maple tree and Magnolia tree that were planted to replace it. A tree surgeon advised obtaining permission because the trunk is >10cm diameter. STATUS: LB of Lewisham have raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposed works. |
Application Reference: DC/24/137326 (See below also).
Application Address: 124 Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Change of use from Class Sue Generis (hot food takeaway) to Class E (Dentist) together with external alterations to the front elevation and all other associated works.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham has PERMITTED the development. LMS had no overall concern as to the change of use and as such made on objection, but had slight concerns over the proliferation of such dental practices within the area generally.
Application Reference: DC/24/137327 (See above also).
Application Address: 124 Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Display of internally-illuminated box sign to shop front.
Application Reference: DC/24/137458
Application Address: 2 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LQ
Application Proposal: REAR: ONE Ash (T1)(ht:12m, rs:7m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1.5m from 7m to 5.5m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. T1 located on unadopted land.
REAR: THREE Damson (G1)(ht:8m, rs:4m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1m from 4m to 3m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. G1 located at 110 Burnt Ash Road.
REAR: ONE Leyland Cypress (H1)(ht:9m, rs:10m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1.5m from 10m to 8.5m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. H1 located at rear garden of 4 Southbrook Road.
REAR: ONE Tree of Heaven (T2)(ht:13m, rs: 6m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1.5m from 13m to 11.5m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1.5m from 6m to 4.5m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood.
REAR: ONE Pyracantha (T3)(ht:2m, rs:3m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 0.5m from 2m to 1.5m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 3m to 2m;
REASON: To prune back into a tight and compact shape, including over extended laterals growing across the flower beds.
REAR: ONE Lime (T4)(ht:12m, rs:8m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 8m to 6m; REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from clIent’s garden. T4 located at rear garden of 104 Burnt Ash Road.
REAR: ONE Crab Apple (T5)(ht:5m, rs:3m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1m from 5m to 4m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 3m to 2m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood.
REAR: ONE Magnolia (T6)(ht:7m, rs:7m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1m from 7m to 6m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 7m to 6m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood – General maintenance.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposed works.
Application Reference: DC/24/137550
Application Address: 64 Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR
Application Proposal: REAR THREE Lime trees(T1,T2,T3) REPOLLARD by 2m from 12m to 10m. REASON: Remove two meters of new growth, back to first pollard point. Trees getting very tall and overgrowing the garden at 64 and neighbours’ gardens. STATUS: LB of Lewisham have raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposed works.
Application Reference: DC/24/137570
Application Address: 3 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8HL
Application Proposal: Construction of a new vehicle crossover, front garden bin storage, and associated works.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED – LMS have lodged an objection to this proposal on the basis that to remove a large part of the existing front garden wall will damage the character of this part of Southbrook Road and thus the Lee Manor Conservation Area, being that the wall in front of this property is the best example of a remaining front garden boundary wall on this stretch of road.
Application Reference: DC/24/137692
Application Address: 6 Manor Lane, London, SE13 5QP
Application Proposal: Construction of a rear roof extension and the installation of two rooflights at the front roof slope.
STATUS: Despite being ‘validated’ by LB of Lewisham since 17th October 2024 there remains no documents on the planning portal for anyone to review these proposals. LMS have written to Lewisham requesting the upload of the required documents but none have yet been forthcoming. As such we cannot yet determine our position on these proposals. Suffice to say that neighbouring properties along this stretch of Manor Lane north of Kellerton Road and on the west side of the Lane, have been significantly developed over the last 20 years and a significant proportion have rear full width dormer roof extensions removing entirely the existing rear roof plane contrary to current Planning Guidelines.
Application Reference: DC/24/137781 and 137782
Application Address: Telephone Kiosk outside 115 Burnt Ash Road, London SE12 8RA
Application Proposal: 137781 – Removal of existing telephone box and the installation of 1 no. new telephone communications kiosk with integrated advertising display.
137782 – Advertisement consent for the display of 1 no. digital advertisement within proposed new telephone communications kiosk.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED – LMS has lodged a ‘neutral stance’ on the proposals requesting that no advertising ‘noise’ is to emanate from the digital hoarding between the hours of 8am to 8pm (as this remains a residential area) and that the light levels of the ‘digital advertising’ is of a reasonably low level so as not to contribute to any significant form of light pollution within the area generally.
Application Reference: DC/24/137867 Application Address: 45 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: Construction of a part one-storey and part two storey rear extension and replacement of the garage roof, together with alterations to the front and side elevation facades. Addtionally, the installation of an air source heat pump, PV panels, and all other associated work. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED – This is a re-issue of a previously approved Application ref DC/24/134388 (decided 2nd April 2024) for which LMS’s comments were accepted by the Applicant and approval subsequently given by Lewisham. This new Application makes relatively minor changes to the previous approved application and then adds in rear facing roof mounted solar PV panels and an air sourced heat pump (ASHP) floor mounted externally along a rear wall of the property. We see no reason to object to any aspect of the proposed minor changes to this new Application nor to the installation of the solar panels and ASHP which (subject to detail) are possibly covered by permitted development rights anyway. |
Application Reference: DC/24/137997
Application Address: 71B Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU
Application Proposal: REAR: ONE Ash tree boundary neigbouring tree. LATERAL REDUCTION by 1.5m from 9m to 7.5m. ht 14m by 9m spread. South compass point
ONE Yew tree (T2) LHB CROWN REDUCTION ht by 1m from 15m to 14m spread by 1m from 5m to 4m.
REASON: General Maintenance
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED – in general LMS has no concerns over these proposed tree maintenance works. However, LMS have been unable to determine from the photographs provided with the Application as to which property the trunks of these two trees sit within and therefore as to the ownership of them.
(Some applications were previously reported in the last summary but remain ‘Undecided’ and on-going).
Application Reference: DC/24/136739
Application Address: 67 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU
Application Proposal: Steel framed Pergola to rear of existing extended ground floor.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham has PERMITTED the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposals.
Application Reference: DC/24/136773
Application Address: 21 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LX
Application Proposal: Construction of a single storey rear extension and rear garden pergola.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have GRANTED planning permission for the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposals.
Application Reference: DC/24/136921
Application Address: 52 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LL
Application Proposal: The installation of replacement double-glazed windows on the front, side and rear
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have GRANTED planning permission for the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over the proposals
Application Reference: DC/24/136993
Application Address: 105 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LT
Application Proposal: Installation of replacement ventilation and extraction system and all associated works at the rear.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. As the proposed ventilation duct works are almost entirely hidden from view (other than to immediate neighbours of course) and replace existing ducting, it is most likely that whether these works are acceptable or not will be determined by LB of Lewisham on technicalities of odour control and noise attenuation levels.
Application Reference: DC/24/137106
Application Address: Land On Southbrook Road To The Rear Of, 114 & 116 Burnt Ash Road, Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Details submitted pursuant to Conditions 3, 5-11 and 13 of planning permission DC/23/131428 dated 18th October 2023.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. This Application is for the approval of ‘Conditions’ emanating out of the approval of the Planning Application noted immediately above. LMS have raised a number of concerns in relation to 5 of the submissions related to Conditions 3, 5 6, 11 and 13 concerning noise mitigation measures, architectural details, material quality, soft landscaping and obscure glazing.
Application Reference: DC/24/137117
Application Address: 72 Effingham Road, London, SE12 8NU
Application Proposal: The installation of replacement double glazed timber sash windows to the front elevation.
STATUS: Works GRANTED planning permission by LB of Lewisham. LMS had no concerns over proposals.
Application Reference: DC/24/137202
Application Address: 26 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LX
Application Proposal: REAR: TWO Tilia Lime trees (T1 & T2) RE-POLLARDED, by 2m from 20m to 18m to previous growth points similar works to neighbours Lime trees. Deadwood and Epicormic growth to be REMOVED.
REASON: To allow more light into the garden. Trees also encroaching on rear neighbouring garden and to match two neighbouring trees.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS had no visibility of any documents but had no reason to be concerned.
Application Reference: DC/24/137221
Application Address: 11 Micheldever Road, SE12 8LX
Application Proposal: FRONT: ONE Apple tree (T4)(ht. 5m) CROWN THINNING by 15%.
REAR: ONE Horse chestnut tree (T1) CROWN HEIGHT REDUCTION by 4m from 18m to 14m. SPREAD by 4m from 10m to 6m on all compass points. Reason: General Maintenance. Removal Deadwood, split and hanging branches.
ONE Birch tree (T3) HEIGHT REDUCTION by 1.5m from 8m to 6.5m Reason: To create a more balance form and remove Major deadwood, split and hanging branches.
ONE Holm Oak tree (T2)(ht. 12m)(Rad. 6m) LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 6m to 4m on south/East compass point: Reason: Remove selection of lower branches overhanging and touching shed along with overhanging boundary.
STATUS: LB of Lewisham have raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS had no concerns over these general maintenance proposals.
Application Reference: DC/24/137311
Application Address: 23 Effingham Road, London, SE12 8NZ
Application Proposal: FRONT: ONE small Bay tree (T1)( ht 3m.) FELL TO GROUND.
REASON: The tree was planted about 15 years ago. It is now too large. It is crowding and overshadowing adjacent Maple tree and Magnolia tree that were planted to replace it. A tree surgeon advised obtaining permission because the trunk is >10cm diameter.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS have no issues with the proposed works.
Application Reference: DC/24/137326 (See below also).
Application Address: 124 Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Change of use from Class Sue Generis (hot food takeaway) to Class E (Dentist) together with external alterations to the front elevation and all other associated works.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS position not yet determined.
Application Reference: DC/24/137327 (See above also).
Application Address: 124 Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU
Application Proposal: Display of internally-illuminated box sign to shop front.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS position not yet determined.
Application Reference: DC/24/137458
Application Address: 2 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LQ
Application Proposal: REAR: ONE Ash (T1)(ht:12m, rs:7m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1.5m from 7m to 5.5m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. T1 located on unadopted land.
REAR: THREE Damson (G1)(ht:8m, rs:4m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1m from 4m to 3m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. G1 located at 110 Burnt Ash Road.
REAR: ONE Leyland Cypress (H1)(ht:9m, rs:10m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 1.5m from 10m to 8.5m;
REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from client’s garden. H1 located at rear garden of 4 Southbrook Road.
REAR: ONE Tree of Heaven (T2)(ht:13m, rs: 6m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1.5m from 13m to 11.5m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1.5m from 6m to 4.5m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood.
REAR: ONE Pyracantha (T3)(ht:2m, rs:3m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 0.5m from 2m to 1.5m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 3m to 2m;
REASON: To prune back into a tight and compact shape, including over extended laterals growing across the flower beds.
REAR: ONE Lime (T4)(ht:12m, rs:8m): LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 8m to 6m; REASON: Neighbouring tree branches encroaching into client’s garden, work to be done from clIent’s garden. T4 located at rear garden of 104 Burnt Ash Road.
REAR: ONE Crab Apple (T5)(ht:5m, rs:3m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1m from 5m to 4m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 3m to 2m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood.
REAR: ONE Magnolia (T6)(ht:7m, rs:7m): CROWN REDUCE HEIGHT by 1m from 7m to 6m, REDUCE RADIUS by 1m from 7m to 6m;
REASON: To maintain a natural shape and remove major deadwood – General maintenance.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS have no concerns over this large(ish) scale maintenance of an apparently overgrown rear garden.
Application Reference: DC/24/137550
Application Address: 64 Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR
Application Proposal: REAR THREE Lime trees(T1,T2,T3) REPOLLARD by 2m from 12m to 10m. REASON: Remove two meters of new growth, back to first pollard point. Trees getting very tall and overgrowing the garden at 64 and neighbours’ gardens.
STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. These 3 trees are at the very rear of the property and are proposed to have a relatively minor pollarding – no reasons for LMS to have any concerns.
Application Reference: Not Applicable
Application Address: 7 Handen Road, London, SE12
Application Proposal: On 26th September 2024 LMS were advised that ‘major building works on a 1970s rear extension’ were taking place at the above noted property and that such works as were occurring ‘appeared’ to have no related Planning Permission. The works seemed to include the removal of the entire back wall that used to have a door and a window in and its potential replacement with a full width picture window. There were also internal demolition works occurring which potentially required the lifting of the flat roof over the existing extension. Advice received from the contractor on site was that ‘all works occurring were to be within the existing walls of the house/extension’.
A review of LB of Lewisham’s Planning Portal indicated that no Planning Application or Conservation Area Consent had been lodged for any such works that might affect the exterior of the existing property. On the basis that structural steel beams were being evidenced ‘lifted over the house’ LMS also checked whether a Building Regulation’s application had been made to Lewisham Council and we were informed that ‘There is an application in place for building work at 7 Handen Road. The work is being overseen by a private building control company called Prime Construction Consultants Ltd’. As a result of the above LMS advised the neighbour concerned that they should approach Lewisham Council Planning Enforcement and that LMS would themselves also make a reference to the possible breach of Planning Approval to Planning Enforcement for their review – this was done on 1st October 2024.
JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2024 – PLANNING APPLICATIONS REVIEWED (from 9th July up until 9th Sept 2024)
Application Reference: DC/24/135542 Application Address: 13 Brightfield Road, London, SE12 8QE Application Proposal: Installation of replacement windows to side and rear elevation and installation of rooflights to roof of rear extension, together with creation of a new window opening to first floor rear elevation and replacement of rear ground floor window with new door. STATUS: Application GRANTED by LB of Lewisham. LMS saw no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136043 Application Address: 136A Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LR Application Proposal: Installation of replacement windows and front door. STATUS: Application GRANTED by LB of Lewisham. LMS saw no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136183 Application Address: 62 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: Demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and construction of a single storey side extension, a single storey rear extension, installation of a window at the ground floor rear elevation, installation of a render at the rear and side elevation and all associated works STATUS: Permission GRANTED by LB of Lewisham. LMS saw no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136544 Application Address: 76 Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Application Proposal: The construction of a roof extension in the rear roof slope, a dormer extension in the side roof slope and the installation of 2 roof lights in the front roof slope. STATUS: LB of Lewisham have REFUSED the proposals. LMS agree with the position taken on these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136646 Application Address: Church of the Good Shepherd, 29 Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Application Proposal: Demolition of a partially collapsed churchyard wall on the west side of the churchyard, formation of new footings and reconstruction of the wall to the original details. STATUS: Proposals GRANTED planning permission by LB of Lewisham. LMS had submitted views regarding the proposed works and these appear to have been taken account of in the Conditions attached to the planning approval. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136739 Application Address: 67 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: Steel framed Pergola to rear of existing extended ground floor. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS see no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136746 Application Address: 14 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LQ Application Proposal: ONE Fig tree(T1)(ht. 5m)(w. 6m)CROWN HEIGHT REDUCTION by 2.5m from 5m to 2.5m , REDUCE RADIUS by 1.5m from 6m to 4.5m on all compass points. Reason: General Maintenance. ONE Sycamore tree (T2)(ht. 4m)(W. 2m)FELL to ground. Reason: Self seeded on property boundary, over crowded amongst bay tree. ONE Chestnut tree (T3)(ht. 3m)(W. 2m)FELL to ground. Reason: Self seeded on property boundary, over crowded amongst bay tree. ONE Holm Oak tree (T3)(ht. 3m)(W. 2m)FELL to ground. Reason: self seeded, over crowded amongst cedar tree. STATUS: LB of Lewisham has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works. LMS saw no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136773 Application Address: 21 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LX Application Proposal: Construction of a single storey rear extension and rear garden pergola. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS see no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136921 Application Address: 52 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LL Application Proposal: The installation of replacement double-glazed windows on the front, side and rear elevations. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS see no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136932 Application Address: 73 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: FRONT BDY: ONE Common Lime tree (T1) Height: 14m, Width: 7m – SECTION FELL as close to hedge level as possible and to poison stump with appropriate use of herbicide (eco plugs) to prevent regrowth. The tree has previously been identified in subsidence report and tree owners are starting to see cracks appear in similar location previously identified despite remedial work to property. STATUS: LB of Lewisham has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed felling works. LMS objected to this proposal on the grounds that this tree is one of a row of front garden boundary limes on both sides of Micheldever Road that form a part of the historic fabric of Lee and of the character of the Lee Manor Conservation area. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136993 Application Address: 105 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LT Application Proposal: Installation of replacement ventilation and extraction system and all associated works at the rear. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. As the proposed ventilation duct works are almost entirely hidden from view (other than to immediate neighbours of course) and replace existing ducting, it is most likely that whether these works are acceptable or not will be determined we believe by LB of Lewisham on technicalities of odour control and noise attenuation levels. |
Application Reference: DC/24/137106 Application Address: Land On Southbrook Road To The Rear Of, 114 & 116 Burnt Ash Road, Burnt Ash Road, London, SE12 8PU Application Proposal: Details submitted pursuant to Conditions 3, 5-11 and 13 of planning permission DC/23/131428 dated 18th October 2023. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. This Application is for the approval of ‘Conditions’ emanating out of the approval of the Planning Application noted immediately above. LMS have raised a number of concerns in relation to 5 of the submissions related to Conditions 3, 5 6, 11 and 13 concerning noise mitigation measures, architectural details, material quality, soft landscaping and obscure glazing. |
Application Reference: DC/24/137117 Application Address: 72 Effingham Road, London, SE12 8NU Application Proposal: The installation of replacement double glazed timber sash windows to the front elevation. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS see no reason to object to these proposals. |
Application Reference: DC/24/137221 Application Address: 11 Micheldever Road, SE12 8LX Application Proposal: FRONT: ONE Apple tree (T4)(ht. 5m) CROWN THINNING by 15%. REAR: ONE Horse chestnut tree (T1) CROWN HEIGHT REDUCTION by 4m from 18m to 14m. SPREAD by 4m from 10m to 6m on all compass points. Reason: General Maintenance. Removal Deadwood, split and hanging branches. ONE Birch tree (T3) HEIGHT REDUCTION by 1.5m from 8m to 6.5m Reason: To create a more balance form and remove Major deadwood, split and hanging branches. ONE Holm Oak tree (T2)(ht. 12m)(Rad. 6m) LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 6m to 4m on south/East compass point: Reason: Remove selection of lower branches overhanging and touching shed along with overhanging boundary. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED. LMS see no reason to object to these proposals. |
JUNE/JULY 2024 – PLANNING APPLICATIONS REVIEWED (from 10th June up until 8th July 2024)
Application Reference: DC/24/135086 Application Address: 26 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LQ Application Proposal: Installation of replacement windows to front, side and rear elevations. STATUS: All works PERMITTED by LB of Lewisham dated 9th July 2024. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/135686 Application Address: First Floor Flat, 132 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LR Application Proposal: The construction of an entrance porch to the side of the property. STATUS: REFUSED by LB of Lewisham: ‘The proposed side elevation entrance porch, by reason of its design and location, would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the host property, adjoining semi-detached pair and the wider Lee Manor Conservation Area in terms of the introduction of an out-of-character, incongruous and historically inaccurate feature…’. Dated 24th June 2024. |
Application Reference: DC/24/135728 Application Address: First Floor And Second Floor Maisonette A, 12 Southbrook Road, London, SE12 8LQ Application Proposal: Installation of No.2 replacement rooflights at the front and rear roofslopes, together with the installation of No.1 additional rooflight at the front roof slope of First Floor and Second Floor Maisonette A. STATUS: Permission GRANTED by LB of Lewisham dated 21st June 2024. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/135869 Application Address: 56 Taunton Road, London, SE12 8PB Application Proposal: REAR ONE Silver Birch Tree(T1) (ht. 8.8m) FELL to the ground. Reason: Remove tree and treat roots. Roots are causing serious cracking to patio. Potential danger to house. (Applicant drew drawing in description section of application). STATUS: LB of Lewisham raised NO OBJECTION to the proposal dated 14th June 2024. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/135902 Application Address: 79 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LS Application Proposal: FRONT ONE Yucca tree(T1)(ht. 6m)(Rad. 5m)FELL to ground. Reason: The tree is growing in immediate proximity of the front window in a small front garden completely engulfing the front of the property. The client would be willing to replant something of a different species. To poison stump with appropriate use of herbicide (eco plugs) to prevent regrowth. STATUS: Raise NO OBJECTION issued by LB of Lewisham dated 14th June 2024. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136043 Application Address: 136A Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LR Application Proposal: Installation of replacement windows and front door. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED by LB of Lewisham. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/136183 Application Address: 62 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: Demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and construction of a single storey side extension, a single storey rear extension, removal a rooflight at the front roof slope, installation of a window at the ground floor rear elevation and all associated works. STATUS: NOT YET DECIDED by LB of Lewisham. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/136338 Application Address: 72 Brightfield Road, London, SE12 8QF Application Proposal: REAR: ONE Sycamore tree (T1) POLLARDING by 5m from 13m to 8m in height. Large mature tree with co-dominant stems, one of the primary uprights has recent failed leaving an asymmetric unbalanced canopy. The remaining sections now have altered exposure. STATUS: LB of Lewisham has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed works dated 5th July 2024. |
Application Reference: DC/24/136357 Application Address: 47A Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Application Proposal: FRONT ONE London Plane Tree(T1)(ht. 15 m)Re-pollard 2m below previous reduction points by 5m from 15m to 10m. Reason: We first quoted for this work in April 2023 and subsequently applied for planning consent which was granted in May 2023. When we arrived to carry out the work, our Climbing Arborist noted that many of the previous reduction point wounds are hollow. REAR ONE Elderberry tree(T2)LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 7m to 5m on S compass point. Reason: To cut back the branches growing over the back boundary towards the neighbour’s garden and to remove deadwood both from the garden side and the neighbours side. The following work is to be carried out retaining the screen effect currently enjoyed. ONE Ash tree(T3)LATERAL REDUCTION by 2m from 7m to 5m on W compass point. Reason: The following work is to be carried out retaining the screen effect currently enjoyed to reduce the branches which are growing towards the neighbours garden by 2m, or to suitable growing points. STATUS: LB of Lewisham has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposed tree works dated 5th July 2024. | |
Application Reference: DC/24/136525 Application Address: 79 Micheldever Road, London, SE12 8LU Application Proposal: REAR: ONE dead Apple tree (T1)(approx. ht.4m) FELL. Reason: The tree has died, large bough overhanging neighbour’s garden no 81 where small children play, health and safety. Duty to replace applies. STATUS: LB of Lewisham has granted PERMISSION for the removal of this tree but subject to Informatives A-D dated 5th July 2024. |