Lee Manor Society Monthly Meeting

Community Centre, Leegate Community Centre, 3 Leegate, London, United Kingdom

The next meeting of the Lee Manor Society will be held at the Leegat Community Centre on Wednesday July 17th at 1930.  Everyone is welcome. Below is the draft agenda: Tree planting scheme - proposal to match fund money raised by residents. Mary's Garden - proposal to move its location. Review of Manor House Gardens Festival

Lee Green Police Panel Meeting

Manor House Library

A message from Lee Green police: We would like to invite all residents who are available on Wednesday the 2nd of October 2024 to the Lee Green Ward Panel Meeting. The meeting will be taking place at Manor House Library at 7PM. This will serve to us as your local policing force as a great opportunity

Lee Manor Society Autumn Tree Walk

Lee Green crossroads London, United Kingdom

The Lee Manor Society Autumn Tree Walk will be on Saturday October 5, 2024. The walk will start at 11am at the Lee Green crossroads by the history panel. We will be looking at autumn colour in the wide variety of species in the Burnt Ash Road tree avenue, including our recent plantings, and other

Lee Green Assembly Meeting

Icthus Lee Green Church 23 Lampmead Road, London, Select a State or Province:, United Kingdom

There will be a Lee Green Assembly meeting on Tuesday Oct 8, 1900 to 2100.  The details are below: You are warmly invited to join us at the next Lee Green Assembly meeting, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8th October 2024, from 7pm to 9pm at the Ichthus Lee Green Church, 23 Lampmead Road,

Blackheath Kite Day

All Saints’ Church on the Heath

The Blackheath Society is organising this totally FREE event again on Sunday 13th October 2024.  We feel strongly that the Heath is for everyone to enjoy and would like to encourage families and local communities to join in the fun. We would be very grateful if you would let your members and friends know through your

Lee Manor Society AGM

Manor House Library

The 2023/24 Annual General Meeting of the Lee Manor Society will take place at the Manor House Library, Old Road SE13 5SY (first floor fully accessible Baring Room) at: 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th October 2024. All interested parties and local residents are invited to attend. The Treasurer's annual report  will be presented to the meeting. 

Fundraiser for Eco Projects

Church of the Good Shepherd, Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Handen Road, Lee, London

November monthly meeting

Church of the Good Shepherd, Handen Road, London, SE12 8NR Handen Road, Lee, London

Minutes of the previous meeting can be found here: https://leemanorsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/LMSoc-11th-Sep-24.docx
Agenda for LMS meeting 13 Nov 2024, 7.30pm – 9.45pm

1. Apologies & Minutes of last meeting
2. Financial Report
3. Speaker from SELCE (South East London Community Energy) Flavia Bertram,
on helping people achieve ‘Future Fit Homes’
4. Review of LMS AGM, Autumn Tree Walk & relocation of ‘Mary’s Garden’.
5. Ice House – Insurance and school visits.
6. Planning applications + decisions
7. Local Assembly Meeting - Leegate redevelopment.
8. Tree Planting with Southbrook Rd residents;
9. Tree in memory of Ralph White.
10. Date and venue for future meetings.
11. AOB
Meeting closes: 9.15pm followed by light refreshments.

New Year Social Event

Old Tiger's Head 351 Lee High Rd,, London

Instead of the usual monthly meeting the Lee Manor Society is holding a social evening at the Old Tiger's Head.  Everyone is welcome. First glass of wine is free and there will be a raffle (please feel free to donate a prize for that!)

Lee Green Ward Police Panel Meeting

Manor House Library

Good evening all, Happy New Year! I hope my email finds you well. We would like to invite all residents who are available for the 29th of January 2025 to the Lee Green Ward Panel Meeting which will be taking place at Manor House Library at 7PM. This will serve to us as your local policing