44 objections have been submitted against a planning application for land adjoining Buckden Close in Lee. Last night (Wednesday 15th January) Lewisham Council held an online Q and A session between the developers and the objectors.
Amalaki Developments Ltd wants to put up a three storey building containing nine flats.
The plan also includes a proposal for four car parking spaces on a small area of green open land that sits within the Lee Manor Conservation Area, located behind numbers 113-133 Burnt Ash Road.
Initially the Council is only considering an outline application to establish if the site has suitable access.
At the Q and A session a Lewisham Planning Officer put the objectors’ questions to Amalaki, but the residents themselves weren’t allowed to speak. Lewisham has promised to publish the questions and answers in due course.
Lee Manor Society has objected to the use of green open land on the site that sits within the Lee Manor Conservation area for a proposed use as car parking. The Applicant has not yet shown how this loss of green open space can in anyway ‘conserve or enhance the Conservation area’.
The Application can be viewed by searching for ‘Buckden Close’ on Lewisham’s Planning website https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/planning/find-comment-planning-applications and finding the Application reference number DC/24/137866.